Using Pomodoro Technique to Avoid Procrastination!

Hafsa Ashfaq
2 min readDec 31, 2020

Have you ever thought of using pomodoro technique to avoid procrastination, and finish your task within time?

If not, lets get to know how it works!

In this technique, we decide a certain task, set a timer of 25 minutes within which we want to complete that task, and try to focus and complete that task on time. To use this pomodoro technique, I decided to complete the part of my second online course of PW4 of Amal academy, till the topic of Microsoft word tool kit. There were 3 parts of Microsoft word toolkit section and there were a couple of videos from introductory section, which I should complete within 25 minutes.

I started doing my work as the timer started, trying to focus only on my work. There were few distractions as my work proceeded. Once, I was distracted due to my sisters’ voices who were making noise in the lounge. Once I had to slow down, as I have to stop the videos to listen to the prayer call. But again, I started focusing on work, and when the timer rang, I had completed almost all of it except the last part. I couldn’t complete the third part of Microsoft tool kit section. But I took extra minutes and completed that part too. Then I gave myself a break.

The benefit of that task was that, as the time factor involved in the work, and we gave ourselves a deadline for this particular task, so our focus was not deviated from the task. Even after distractions, it was sort of set within our mind that we must complete this task within time. Even if we can’t complete that work on exact predicted time, the quality of our work will be good because our focus was not diverted very much, and that is why we can achieve more by this technique.

This experiment was not very difficult, but it definitely helped me to be productive. I can use this technique more often to schedule my lengthy tasks.

